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Frequently Asked Questions


Who should contact Moms on a Mission?

If you have been listening to our podcast for a while or even if you are a first time listener, we would love to hear from you! We get contacted all of the time from moms along with those who are not moms. Our mission is to help any and all who are trying to advance the truth as it relates to education and health and wellness. If you have any questions, comments, or even guest suggestions, we would love to connect with you!


Who will reach out to you when you contact Moms on a Mission?

When you fill out our form here on our website, you will be contacted by one of our professional staff members. We will find out how we can best help you and answer any questions that you may have! If you have any specific requests, you can also make those with our staff as well.


What will happen when you fill out the form on our website?

When you fill out the form on the Moms on a Mission website, you will be called or emailed back as soon as possible. We love connecting with other like minded moms and listeners. We have been able to connect with countless great Patriots, moms, and other Great Americans!

Through the Moms on a Mission podcast, we have been able to bring moms, families, and other truth and freedom fighters together to pursue a single mission to expose the heist of our Christian Culture by the slow and deliberate marxist takeover of our public schools.


What are some of the things Moms on a mission have been able to help people with?

Through our efforts we have been able to help protect students at a local school. The school was in the process of extending a school-wide mask mandate for a few weeks after the city had already lifted the city-wide mask mandate. By doing this, we were able to help prevent over one thousand students from continuing to be forced to wear a mask every single day while they were at school.

Another great thing that Moms on a Mission has accomplished was to help put an end to a discriminatory covid shot policy. This policy was going to force students who chose not to receive the shot to quarantine at home for a number of days while students who did take the shot, upon the same exposure, were able to remain at school. It was an unconstitutional policy that was implemented for a few weeks. But with our combined efforts, we were able to end it. As a result, over 1,000 students had the medical freedom to not be discriminated against based on their personal medical choices.

Moms on a Mission has also exposed a curriculum supplement that was not based on primary sources and actually was perpetuating a lie that is popular in today’s culture. After research of facts and primary sources regarding this topic, the truth was given to the students to read.

Moms on a Mission has also helped mobilize parents to reach out, speak out, and ask questions when CRT and other propaganda has appeared in curriculum. By teaching your children the truth, when false narratives and propaganda seep through and attempt to indoctrinate your children at school, they will recognize it for what it is and alert you.


When should you reach out to Moms on a Mission?

You should contact Moms on a Mission when you have any questions about how you can make a difference. We have had many people reach out with a desire to help but with no action plan. That is how we felt, which can feel so immobilizing! We are here for you and want to help plug you in and provide ideas to mobilize you. If you have any concerns regarding your student’s curriculum, questions about our experiences, show ideas, or your successes reach out to us! Let’s connect! We are here to empower you!


When will Moms on a Mission reach out to you?

Moms on a Mission will reach out to you within 24 hours once we receive your message. We want to be available to you in a timely fashion to help in whatever way we can. We would be honored to hear from you!


How can you contact Moms on a Mission?

You can reach Moms on a Mission by email at We love to hear from you and connect! There is a reason why people say that it takes a village…because it does! Please remember that this is something you can do. You can easily reach out to get connected and plugged in with us, along with other great moms fighting to protect these same freedoms that our founding fathers fought so hard to give us! The gift of freedom was never free and is slipping through our fingers, if we allow it. John Adams wrote letters to his wife, Abigail Adams, regularly. One of his letters included this profound statement. “You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took the Pains to preserve it.” Let’s stand up and not cause our founding fathers who sacrificed so much to give us this gift of freedom to have to repent in heaven! Just do something small and watch how God will multiply your time, money, joy and fulfill his awesome call on your life. If we all lock arms and do something, together we Moms can make a HUGE impact. Because that’s what we moms do. Andrew Carnegie said, “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” And the most beautiful part of all of this, is that we get to teach our precious children, by our actions, to do the stand up for truth and freedom!