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Moms On A Mission As Seen On 4

Protect your wealth

Hedge against dangerous inflation by investing in Gold and Silver.

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Support a PATRIOT

Moms on a Mission loves the USA!! We are proud Americans and proud to be joining forces with the amazing team at My Pillow. Mike Lindell has a deep faith in the Lord and he is on a “mission” to help save our country. Mike has done so much in the past 2 years to fight back against the leftist culture and expose the lies coming out of DC and other places across the nation. Please join our fight and support the cause for freedom by buying products from Mike and his team at My Pillow. Use the offer code MISSION and you will receive 66% off your purchase. Remember offer code MISSON!!

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Our podcast

Moms on a Mission podcast analyzes the American education system, news and family from a Biblical and politically conservative perspective. From the battlefields in the classroom to the front lines of the culture wars we encourage moms to take a stand for their families. “Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make straight your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6

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Our Giveback

Moms on a Mission endeavors to give back to those with whom we share our vision. We are praying to empower you to give back, as well. You may not have much time or not an extra dime to dole out to another cause, but pray and ask God to show you what you CAN do. A portion of every dollar Moms on a Mission receives is sewn into the Christian classical education mission of Hillsdale College. Hillsdale College instructs students with the absolute truth of the Word of God, along with other primary sources, to ensure that history is not rewritten. The Hillsdale motto is: “Learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of Hillsdale College”. It’s important to give back because we are stronger together than apart. There is a synergistic effect that occurs when we lock arms and pursue mission together. It’s empowering when you are not alone pushing back for the sake of truth.


Who We Are

We are Moms on a Mission to educate, awake, and activate other moms to thwart the progressive liberal education agenda and instead promote a classical Christian worldview. We also will advocate health and wellness

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Moms On A Mission Who We Are